Chapter 36 - The Album
Chapter 36 - The Album
Mitch Pabon called me and told me that he was back in New York. He told me that, like me, he also hated LA, and could not get anywhere there. I told him that I defaulted on my credit card. A bill was waiting for me when I arrived back home, and the payments escalated quickly. He apologized to me and said that he was very thankful that I let him use the card. He also thanked me for helping him get rid of Diane. Then he told me that he was applying for work in communications, and that he had a few interviews. He told me that he was living in Williamsberg, Brooklyn near his fathers business. I asked him how his father was doing [actually it is his step father] and he told me that he now had many vans for hire. He told me and that Bruce Springsteen was one of his accounts. I then asked Mitch if he could hook me up with a job driving for his father. I told him that I just finished driving a cab, but it would be great to drive Springsteen around. I could then get make a connection in the music scene. Mitch told me that he would talk to his father. He told me that he would call me again soon. "Welcome back Mitch", I ended.
Mitch had set-up an interview with his stepfather and I went to see him. I arrived at his stepfather´s garage and proceeded into his office with Mitch. I sat down at a small desk with Mitch´s father Joe.. Joe had a dog sitting under the desk. When I sat down on the chair, Joe nudged the dog and the dog started barking and almost tried to bite me. I played it cool, but I wanted to kill the dog right there and then. Joe asked me some very stupid questions and I realized by now that his stepfather was not interested in hiring me, but instead was fucking with me. We talked anyway and I told him my driving experiences and his stepfather began putting up all kinds of hurdles that were meaningless. After dealing with his stepfather´s nonsense, I thanked him for the interview and Mitch and I then went outside. I told Mitch, Did you see your fucking stepfather sig his dog on me? Mitch said yes and apologized. I said to Mitch, Don´t worry, I don´t hold you responsible for your stepfather´s actions, but I just want you to know that your stepfather is a fucking pig. I was very pissed. Mitch and I then went in his vehicle that he borrowed from his stepfather, and he took me back home. Mitch was apologizing about his stepfather's attitude all the way home. He couldn´t believe his stepfather did that to me.
Meanwhile, I put another ad in the Village Voice looking for a female vocalist. I again had to sift through the replies. I found a black girl who sounded great. I rented a studio in Manhattan to audition her on the songs. Her name was Judy Walton. She loved my music and we hit it off really well. I told her that I would prepare the music and that I would get back with her. She was very excited. I got such great vibes from her. Usually if your a white guy, a black female singer doesn´t really trust you very much, but with Judy, everything was OK.
I began collecting money from unemployment for the Sam Goody job, and so I started to look for a studio. I located a studio in Manhattan that had an abundance of MIDI gear. The also had the Atari computer which I did my songs on. This would make it very easy to transfer the program of events with better sounds to tape. I decided to check out the studio.
Mitch had called me and I told him that I found a great vocalist and I was preparing to visit this studio to check it out. Mitch wanted to tag along. We then both went to check out this studio. It was a pretty nice studio and the engineer was very helpful. I then booked some studio time. Mitch wanted to watch me do the recording.
We returned to the studio and I put my event program into the Atari Computer. I then used their sound equipment to get a more realistic sound then I had in Joey´s studio. His sound equipment was mostly inferior. Mitch was enjoying all of it and he wanted to become more involved. As Mitch watched me doing it all, he became very envious in a nice way. The computer and music was new to him, and he couldn´t believe how well it sounded. We did about five song tracks to get the ball rolling with the female singer Judy. The other tracks I wrote required a male vocalist which I haven´t found yet. I told Mitch to keep his ears out for a male vocalist. I had only spent about $800.00 in this studio getting these five song tracks to 2 inch tape. Pretty good.
I then had an interview with Judy. I let her hear the new tracks which she liked very much. I gave her a copy of the tracks and told her to practice the songs. I had my old tracks that I did at Joey´s studio which had some vocalist on them. During my interview´s of vocalists, I had recorded them on the songs. Although the vocalist couldn´t cut-it one way or another, They served for a basic format for a vocalist I would eventually choose.
Mitch had found a job working for a satellite communications company. He had a great place to work in the West Village. He was able to secure a night position from 12 midnight to 8AM. His job entailed making sure that all the computer equipment linking the phone lines to the satellite was in working order. I went to visit him at his building and he had a great deal of free time. We hung-out all night bullshitting and playing with the IBM Computers that they had available. The computers didn´t have too many programs on them, but they had the basics, like word perfect. I spent my time while Mitch was fooling around with his work equipment. Spending time at Mitch´s work building reminded me of Tommy Napoli´s work building. Since I am a night person I enjoyed hanging-out at night. I started to spend a lot of time at Mitch´s building. Mitch was a very sincere guy. He was happy that I had helped him with his girlfriend, and that I let him use my credit card. He wanted to see me become successful in the music business. He knew the passion I had, the disappointments and frustrations I experienced with my talent. He wanted to help me succeed if he could. At the moment, Mitch wanted to lend support, but he also wanted to gain the knowledge of the business. He had the two interests, and therefore, he wanted to be apart of everything I was doing.
Mitch and I then brought Judy into the studio to put her voice on the songs. The studio had a very small tight booth, but Judy adapted to it. Over the next few days we got Judy´s voice on all the songs. It was now time to send the tapes out to the A&R execs. to see if I could get a deal.
Louie Valdes had given me a copy of his recording contract with TK Records, that he received from the famous lawyers, Gruben, Indersky and Schindler. He gave me this copy about a few months after recording my song to show me what a real recording contract is like. He told me that maybe someday I could use it to sign someone. I thought that since I was at Mitch´s building very much, I would use the IBM computers to write the contact into Word Perfect. The contract was 18 heavy legal pages long. I eventually wanted to get Judy committed to an agreement. Mitch told me that it was a good idea, and I began writing the contract into the program.
Mitch surprised me and went to the music store one day, and bought a Macintosh Computer, with the leading music software at the time called, Visions, and a MIDI keyboard. I came to his building and he brought me into the eating room and I freaked-out at the equipment. He bought it all on his new credit card. Mitch had played around with it for two days before he brought it to my attention. He asked me to figure-out how it all worked. He also wanted to learn how to use the software. I told him that I´ll work on one of my songs while he watches. Mitch said OK. I was having a ball working on the song with his new equipment. I took my song, Our Love, to a new height. I spent weeks overnight working on the song. It sounded great. Mitch was very surprised how involved I made the song.
I enjoyed being with Mitch very much, he is such a pleasant person and he wanted to be directly involved with my project. He told me that he would help financially to help me get on my way with this project. That statement took me by surprise. I told Mitch that just because I helped him with my credit card for his ex-girlfried Diane, that it wasn´t necessary that he help me. I told him that he didn´t owe me anything. I helped him because I have a concerned heart. He then told me that he has a concerned heart, and that he believes in the project. I told him that I could not accept his money unless he was a partner. I asked him if he wanted to be my partner. I told him that I would split everything in half. Mitch said yes. Mitch had a naive and quiet disposition. I was more aggressive, stern, and diplomatic. I felt that our two personalities would work well together. I would let him deal with Judy, including other future singers and I would also use his naive personality in contacting record company execs. Maybe his naive personality might get through to them. Who knows? I told this to Mitch up-front just as I thought, and he liked the idea. I told him that I would have 51% and he 49%, but I told him that since he was very unfamiliar with the music business that I was going to control the shots. I told him that I would welcome his input, but whatever I say goes. Then I asked him if it was a deal. Mitch said yes and we shook hands on it. It was now a done deal.
The next day I called Judy and told her that I wanted her to meet my partner. Mitch and I went to Judy´s house and I introduced her to Mitch. I told her that from now on, while I was putting things together, she would be communicating with Mitch. I told her to get ready to go into the studio.
I told Mitch that it was necessary that we go and visit the labels to introduce ourselves. Mitch and I were a good team and we both looked like very nice aspiring producers. Together we might be able to accomplish something in this difficult business. I made a list of all the current independent labels to visit, and we spent the whole day walking in on them unannounced. We hustled around the city like Ralph´s brother Joey and I did 23 years ago in Chapter 8. You never know what may happen. While Mitch and I were wondering around the city, I explained to him all the mistakes I had made in the past to try to make him understand how temperamental this business was. Before we walked through the door of a label, I prepared Mitch for what could possibly happen. We had a great day visiting all the labels on the list. We experienced some interesting things. Most of all, we received some very good vibes from everyone, and that was a plus. Every label we visited we left a demo-tape of what we were doing. Mitch enjoyed it very much. It was a crash course that I exposed to him of the music business.
That evening at Mitch´s job building, I told Mitch that it was important for him to work on getting his stepfather to help us. His stepfather had a direct connection with the premiere lawyers of the business, Gruben, Indersky and Schindler, and Bruce Springsteen. I told him that your stepfather could be an asset and open some doors for us. Mitch said that he would talk with him. I told Mitch to watch out for his stepfather, because he could make it bad for us just as well. Remember the dog situation.
I was always honest, up-front, and blunt with Mitch. I told him what I was thinking and as I saw it. It´s my years of experience dealing with people. Mitch never like that I called his father, his stepfather. We had a talk about it one time. He referred to his stepfather as his real father. I told him that no matter what you would like him to be, he is your stepfather. I told him that your real father wouldn't sic a dog on your friends. We argued this situation over and over until we dropped the conversation on his request. However, I told Mitch that I personally do not have any respect for his stepfather because of his attitude with the dog. His stepfather showed his real colors to me that day and therefore, I can only call him your stepfather. Mitch understood and told me that it was OK.
I gave Mitch a list of the major record label A&R reps to contact along with their phone numbers. I told him that I wanted him to try and develop a relationship with them. I always kept Mitch busy doing something constructive toward the business without interrupting his work for the satellite company. When I came to his work place at 1:00AM I would ask him how his day went with the tasks I had laid-out for him. I was surprised he was doing very well. He had gotten farther than I expected. He had developed a relation with a few of the A&R reps. He would also call Judy and rap with her for a while, and Judy took to him very nicely. I was very happy at the work he was doing for this music project and I was getting proud of his accomplishments thus far. He had taken many chores off my back so that I could concentrate on making and scheduling the recording of the music. We were indeed on our way of becoming a great team.
I had told Mitch that although everything is going very well between us and the music, my unemployment will be running-out shortly and that I needed a job. However, I don´t know what to do. I was very disillusioned with my future. I told him that I drove for all the private cab company´s near where I lived and I needed to do something new, but I didn´t know what. It was bothering me very much. I was hoping to drive for his father, but that fell through. I thought about driving a real taxi in Manhattan, but I wasn´t sure. I was very confused at the moment with my financial system. I told Mitch that I wanted us to go on, but that if I ran out of money it would have to stop. I couldn´t let Mitch fill the whole recording bill. It wasn´t right. I became very desperate and depressed. I then decided to try and drive a real taxi. I heard that one could make some good money.
I had called a company located in the West Village in Manhattan. I went to apply and I needed to put together a great deal of paperwork. My unemployment had run-out, and Mitch helped me financially with the expenses which really didn´t amount to much. Finally, I was able to start driving a yellow taxi. Within two days I had quickly adapted to it and I began to make money again. I paid Mitchell back the money he laid-out for me to drive. I started to drive on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I enjoyed it very much and I was making good money. Since I was not a watching the television type of person, I had not realized that the company I was working for was apart of the famous TV program Taxi. It was the same place shown on the TV show. They even made the set according to the interior of the Taxi company. I would now hang-out at Mitch´s building on Tuesday and Thursday, and I would visit him late at night when the taxi business slowed down. Perfect!
I had arrived at Mitch´s building and Mitch told me that he went out with some of his friends Saturday night to a blues club in Manhattan. He saw this male vocalist sit-in to do a few songs. Mitch thought that the guy was great and gave him his number. Mitch said that the guy had returned his call, and that he was waiting for a reply. Mitch told me to set-up a rehearsal. I rented a rehearsal studio in Manhattan and called the guy to meet with us for rehearsal. He showed-up a little late and I presented him with the songs. The guy had a great voice and we decided to use him on the songs. Then an old man came into the rehearsal room for the vocalist. It appeared that they were both gay, and boyfriend and girlfriend with one another. Maybe boyfriend and boyfriend. I then asked the old man to wait outside the rehearsal room, and I asked the singer, Lee, what was going on. Be up front with me. Lee told me that everything was OK and not to worry. You will never see him again, I promise you. I like your songs and I want to be apart of it. With that statement I said OK. I told Lee that I would pay him $100.00 a song. It was settled. I told Lee that from now on he would be dealing with Mitch directly so I can concentrate on the music. I explained to Lee that we would set everything up and call him.
That night I told Mitch that our best bet now was to concentrate in making four or five songs truly professional masters. This would mean that we would have to record at a famous studio, master the songs, and make a 12 inch record with our recording label. This way we wont have to send out demos, and we could show that we are really legit. I told him that we would have to pay for a great studio. We would have to pay for a mix. Then we would have to pay for Mastering, and then printing and design. Then we would be complete. What do you say, I replied. Mitch said that it was a great idea... Let´s do it, he said.
I had met some nice people who drove taxi´s for the company I was working for. One of the guys I met was Lawrence. He was an artist who worked part-time. While we were waiting for our taxi we would have in-depth discussions. Lawrence told me that he was living uptown Manhattan around 1st Ave and 96th Street. He told me that he rented an artist studio in the East Village for two hundred dollars a month. I told him that it was really cheap. Boy, if you could live there it would be nice. He told me that he couldn´t live there. It was strictly for painting. Lawrence seemed like a very mellow guy, and we hit it off immediately.
I then went through the Village Voice looking for a highly professional recording studio. I was able to find a professional studio where the stars record called, Unique. I spoke with the manager Tony who promised me that they would give me the studio for $50.00 an hour when the studio had free time. Usually late at night. This was great for us because we enjoyed working late at night. The studio normally costs $250.00 an hour. The studio had only SSL (Solid State Logic) consoles. The best professional console with the cleanest sounds. The SSL had a computer built in. The settings would then be available at the next session immediately through the computer. I was very excited to be working under such a professional environment.
I had contacted Mitch and told him the good news. I told him to contact Judy and Lee to find out how ready they were for recording. I also wanted him to set-up a rehearsal so that I could get them ready for the recording. That night I went to Mitch´s building and he told me that he contacted the vocalists and he set-up a rehearsal. I decided that we were going to concentrate on, Our Love, With You, Color, and a duet, You Color My Life.
Judy was very excited that we found a male vocalist. We had told her how great his voice was. What we didn´t tell her was that Lee was about 5 feet 2 inches tall, bald, and that he was gay. Judy had come to a rehearsal dressed really fine and sexy. I knew that she was thinking that this guy was tall and handsome. I felt that there might be a chance for a big disappointment as soon as I seen the way Judy came dressed. Then Lee arrived, and my fear came true. Judy became very disappointed. It was difficult to get them to respect one another. Judy could not adopt to Lee, but Lee adopted to Judy without a problem. Judy on the other hand, loved Lee´s voice. Lee could sing with anyone. I tried and tried to get them to sing the duet together with feeling. Judy just couldn´t adapt to Lee. Therefore, I canceled rehearsal and decided to record them separately. At least they both now know their parts.
A few days later, Mitch told me that he had spoken with his stepfather about our partnership. As I expected, Mitch´s stepfather didn´t like it. Although he didn´t communicate that to Mitch directly, I could tell by Mitch´s explanation of what his stepfather had said. His father told Mitch that he should concentrate on his job, and that if he wanted to pursue music that he didn´t need me. His stepfather said that he would help him with his connections if I wasn´t apart of the picture. I found this very disturbing. Mitch told his stepfather that this production relationship with me was what he wanted. He continued to pressure his stepfather, and his stepfather got on the phone in front of MItch while he was there and suddenly called the lawyers, Gruben, Indersky, and Schindler. While Mitch was listening, his father talked with Alan Gruben. His father talked with Alan about his van rental business and then, before he hung-up the phone with Alan Gruben, his father said, Hey, you know my son is now a producer. I´ll send you a tape someday. Mitch didn´t know better, but his father fucked us instead. At least that is what I thought, My son is now a producer. What a fucked up statement to make. I explained to Mitch. They're not A & R people. They're lawyers. You don't send them tapes. You set-up an appointment with them to talk with you about handling your music business and they will set-up ears to meet with you. I told him that probably after you left your father probably called him back to explain that statement. I told Mitch that your father probably called him back and said something to the effect like, Alan, the reason I said that is because my son is working as a producer with this older guy I don't like who´s taken advantage of him, I said. If not that, then something fucked-up like that. Mitch didn´t like what I said. I tried to make Mitch understand that I was not being malicious toward his stepfather because of the dog situation. I was trying to explain the truth from the display of his stepfathers attitude. I told Mitch, You were right there. You heard him speak to Alan. He told you before hand that he didn´t like you being partners with me. Am I making this all up or are you denying believing that your stepfather would do such a thing. Did you see him sic his dog on me. Mitch suddenly realized what his stepfather was doing and did. Mitch had walked away to the eating room in disgust for thought.
I waited for him to return. I didn´t want to be hard on him, but it was basically the truth. I love Mitchell. He is such a warm individual. However, he is very close to his step-family, and especially his stepfather. He loves the whole Italian thing. I know what he is going through. He´s trying to prove to his stepfather that he is a reliable guy. A responsible person that his stepfather would approve of. He doesn´t have a real family so he´ll feel neglected and troublesome if he sways the wrong way according to his stepfather. That will make waves with the stepfather. He trying to prove that he is worthy of the step-family. Had I listen to my family, today I would probably be a banker. Married with five kids, a house, a car, and a dog. My family would then appreciate me, but I would be unhappy in life. OK, so I´m a music bum. At least I can feel life and I have a compassion for people. I know what it is to be poor. I think of others before myself. A banker is nothing more than a legal crook. I´m not going to live my life for my family and what they approve of. I live my life to accomplish the things I feel is right for me, and not what is right for my family. I will never let anyone in my family tell me what to do and how to do it. If they do not appreciate me for what I am then they all could jump in a lake.
Mitch returned to the computer area where I was waiting. I told Mitch, I love you as a friend very much. I wish that we didn´t ask your stepfather, but he does have the connection. If you want to quit now, I promise that someday I will return the money that you spent on this project. Mitch told me that I was right about his stepfather. He said that he had blocked it out of his mind. You brought it to my attention and made me realize what he did. However, I am committed with our partnership and this project. Lets just move forward.
I liked what he said, but I had to reiterate to Mitch that I was going to put him to work and I want him to continue following my directions in this music scene. I told him that if he commits, then I´m going to expect a lot from him. Are you sure you want to do this. You can bow out now... no problem. I said. Mitch put out his hand and said, Lets do it without my stepfather. I shook Mitch´s hand and said, Lets get something to eat. We then went to our famous neighborhood hangout. A little restaurant down the street from his building.
I set-up our first recording at Unique recording studios in lovely exciting Times Square, 49th and Broadway. We arrived at this awesome studio at Midnight. Our recording engineer was Matt
. He was a wonderful guy and we all hit it of very well. We brought Mitch´s Macintosh
and we started to lay down the tracks. The SSL console was super sweet. Mitch and I were having a ball. Mitch was getting a fast crash course lesson in professional studioo work and MIDI recording. He was learning about all the effect processors and how they work, just by watching. The session went well and we got a lot done. We ran into a little over time and the session cost us $600.00.
We recorded a couple of times at Unique and we were close to finishing up the song tracks. I called the manager of Unique, Tony to book another date, and the studio was all booked up for two weeks with some big-stars. Mitch and I were very anxious, and desperately needed to finish up the song tracks. I called another studio that had an SSL console that was right around the corner from Unique. It was called Quad Studio´s The studio was able to give us studio time late at night for $60.00 an hour and I took it.
We arrived at Quad studio´s ready to continue our recording. The studio
engineers were Tommy Gonzalez, a Latino and
Freedom Williams, a young black guy. The two very nice, wonderful, and helpful guys. Mitch and I
finished up the song tracks and they both assisted us with great precision, and we
still had some time left over. So I asked Freedom and Tommy if they could give us a
decent mix on cassette tape to take home. They both said, Sure, that´s our
specialty. Mitch and I thought, Great. Then Freedom (I thought that was a very
strange first name) said to me that his cousin was in the building that never seen or
experienced a studio environment recording session. He wanted his cousin to sit in
the studio to watch. I told Freedom that it was OK. Freedom and Tommy went nuts on
the mix. They brought different equipment in every ten minutes to assist in making it
sound better. They were going nuts on the mix. My budget was for six hours because it
was $60.00 an hour. After the two hours were up which amounted to six hours total,
they haven´t even finished the mix of the first song. I looked at Mitch and he
looked at me, and then I interrupted them. I said, Hey you guys, I appreciate that
you´re really involved in doing this mix. I see that you´re bringing in
all sorts of equipment for the mix. However, we booked six hours and the six hours
are now up. We don´t have the money to go on any further. Freedom and Tommy
then replied that they weren´t going to charge us for it. They said that the
studio wasn´t going to charge us any extra. The owner is our friend and we
enjoy doing mixes so sit back, relax, and enjoy. In that case, I said, Do your thing.
Freedom and Tommy went for
until the early morning. Finally, it was finished and everyone was completely
burned out. It was 8:00 in the morning and we were just making a few copies of the
cassette and it was over. Then I thanked Freedom Williams and Tommy Gonzalez for the
best recording experience of my life. I then promised them full credit on the
NOw that the song tracks were completed, we were now ready to make a schedule with the vocalists.
First we brought in Judy. We arrived at the studio to find a different engineer. His name was Richard Joseph. He was very nice, but very energetic. He knew the SSL very well and could fly quickly through the board. The mix of the music sounded better with him behind the board. I told Mitch that I didn´t want Judy to ever be alone with the engineer at any time. If I leave the studio for any reason I want one of us to always be around Judy. Keep your ears open at all times, and let me know on the side. everything that is said. We recorded Judy and it came off great. However, Richard Joseph did something unexpected. Mitch took me to the side and told me that when I went to the front office, Richard Joseph approached Judy and asked if she would sing on some of his songs. He told me that Judy said yes. I became very disturbed. I didn´t have time because I asked Mitch if they exchanged numbers. Mitch told me that they didn´t have time because I suddenly came back into the room. I thought for a moment of how I was going to handle this situation. This fucking engineer is not supposed to be doing this kind of shit. If he wants a fucking singer, then let him go out and search for one as I did. Spend all the money and time in finding a singer. We continued recording and I blocked Richard from communicating with Judy, by interrupting them every time they tried to communicate with each other.. When we finished recording Judy, I had made Mitch walk her to a taxi to see her off. Once she was gone Richard and I made some cassette copies and the session was over. It cost us $500.00. Every session costs between 5 and $600.00.
Mitch and I then went for breakfast to have a discussion. I told Mitch it was time to sign this girl. We must put her under contract. If we don´t sign her we are going to lose her and all the money we spent. The contract is done on the computer. Call her and get her to sign it. Tell her she will not receive any copies of the recordings unless she signs with us. Mitch agreed to get her committed. I was pissed. This fucking girl is not going to screw us.
The next day, I went downtown Brooklyn to get the papers to create a production company. That night I went to Mitch´s building and he told me that he communicated with Judy. She told him that she wanted to see the contract. I told Mitch that we will bring the contract to her as soon as we open the production company. I gave Mitch the papers to sign. The next day I registered the name of the production and record company, Star Drum Production, and Records, with Mitch and I as partners. That night I arrived at Mitch´s work building and put the name of our company on the contract. It was all set. The next day, I dropped a copy off to Judy and waited for her reply.
In the mean time, Mitch had developed some good relationships with these record label execs. Mitch kept me abreast of the situation and they asked Mitch to call them the next day. Apparently they wanted to meet with us. Things then started to fall apart. I arrived the next day at Mitch´s building. When I walked into his satellite room he was sitting in the eating room with a fellow worker working on fixing a VCR. I asked what they were doing and Mitch quietly said that he promised to help someone fix this VCR. I asked Mitch if he called the A&R reps like he was supposed to. Mitch said that he didn´t have time because he was working on this machine. I couldn´t believe my ears. I wanted to scream at him at the top of my lungs, but I didn´t want to act that way in front of his fellow worker. I then asked him if he called Judy. He again said that he didn´t have time. Something was up and it was beginning to be destructive.
I had to wait two hours for him to finish this stupid thing he was doing with this VCR. Finally the other guy left. I asked Mitch, What the fuck are you doing. He passively told me that he promised someone that he would try to fix their VCR. I said, Mitch, you got responsibilities to the music project. We are talking about big money. We´re talking about not having to work a job for a living. You had record execs waiting for your call, and you have Judy waiting for a reply. Your concentrating on fixing someone´s VCR. Are you fucking crazy? Mitch told me that it could holdover for a day. I told him, Nothing in this business holds over for a day. You call the execs when they ask you to call or it´s all over. Don´t you understand that? It is imperative that we get Judy´s name on a contract. Don´t you understand that? Mitch didn´t say anything. He knew I was mad.
I watched him and his fellow worker trying to fix this VCR. They were like two kids who took something apart to see how it worked. Because they were repair men who job it was maintaining satellite modems, they wanted to try to fix someone´s VCR. It´s fucking silly when you think he´s is putting off a music business that he desperately wants. I just could understand his reasoning. I told Mitch that I wasn´t going to stand for anymore of this nonsense. You call the execs tomorrow and you call Judy. Take care of the responsibilities that you asked for and then do what ever you want to do.
The next night, Mitch told me that Judy wanted two things out of the contract. She wanted paragraph #16 deleted and a guarantee that the record would be released within two years after signing. Then she would sign the contract. I told him good. What about the execs. He told me that two of them weren´t in and the other asked me to call him tomorrow at 4:00PM. I told him good work, but I knew he blew it with the two execs that weren´t in, because he was supposed to call yesterday. I didn´t convey that to Mitch. I needed Judy´s commitment.
The next night we went back to the studio and I made sure we didn´t have
Richard Joseph. I requested Matt. This was the night we were going to put Lee on
tape. Everything went well and we had a very pleasant
successful recording. Lee sounded great. When the session was over Lee wanted to get paid. I
told Lee that Mitch would call him later that day. I asked Mitch to try and get Lee
committed to the same contract. Mitch assured me that he would try.
Later that day Mitch called me and told me that Lee didn´t want to sign any contract, but wanted his money for the recording. I then called Lee and asked him to meet us for lunch hear his office where he works. We met Lee, but Lee didn't want to eat or basically talk too much about anything. He just sat in my car and asked for his money for the recording. The first thing I did while Lee was sitting in the back seat of the car was hand him an agreement to sign for his services. Lee said, What is this? I said with Mitch in the car, It is a simple, one paragraph agreement which allows us to use your voice on the recording. Lee replied, Give me the money. I told him, Sign the agreement and I´ll give you the money. Lee started to to get upset in a rage, You fucking guys are trying to fuck me. You´re not going to give me the money. I then held up two, one hundred dollar bills and said, Your money is right here. You sign the agreement and I´ll give you the money. No bullshit. You agreed to sing the songs. You do not want to be committed to a contract that we offered you. However, I can not use your voice unless you sign a release. If I cant use your voice then I have no reason to pay you. I held up the money and continued, You sign the agreement that I can use your voice on the recordings and you get the money. Lee then grabbed the paper and signed it. I asked Lee to hand it over to me. He hesitated and then he felt helpless and returned the signed agreement to me. I looked at the agreement with his signature on it. I put the agreement in a safe place where he won´t be able to grab it unexpectedly, and I handed him the money. Then I said, Thank you. Lee, with money in his hand again started raving as he was exiting the car, You fucking guys are a bunch of assholes. as he slammed the door closed. Mitch could believe how I calmly handled the situation. Mitch then asked, Was he going to take the money and run out of the car if you gave it to him first? I told Mitch, Now you´re learning... You bet he was. Mitch said, That little fucker. You showed him.
The next couple of days, I arrived again to Mitch's job and Mitch was trying to fix someone's VCR. Mitch seemed very involved at doing this fix it thing which had nothing to do with his work on the job. I stood there and watched him and tried to get his attention because I needed to talk to him about our production matters. Each time I tried to grab his attention it was fruitless. Mitch saw me attempting to change the attention away from the worthless VCR. I would interrupt him and say something like, "Can we discuss things for a moment here. Could you put that on the side for a moment." I got fruitless reactions each time, amd it seemed as though he was slightly avoiding me, so I tried to take it slow a be more patient but this information I need to discuss with him is very important. Not why does this VCR eat tapes. Finally after an hour of watching him mingle with this machine, he decided that he was finished with the VCR. "OK," I said, "Can we talk now?" Mitch looked at me in a daze, and I asked him what happened with the A&R execs. He told me that he didn´t call them. Now I knew something was up. I asked him what about Judy? He told me that he didn´t call her either. I sat down next to him and said, OK, What the fuck is going on? Mitch calmly leaned back on his swivel chair and said, I want a better deal. I calmly replied, What do you mean you want a better deal. I thought we had a clear understanding. Mitch then sat back in his chair again and acted like an executive closing a million-dollar deal. He quietly said, I want 51% of the business. I have been building relationships with the A&R executives. I have a great relationship with Judy. If it wasn´t for me you would not be in the studio and you would not be ready to sign Judy. I just couldn´t believe my ears. I thought to myself could this be a dream? Mitch continued, I want to do my own album and I want to use Judy on my own album. She likes me and she wants to record for me. However, I don´t want you to be apart of my album with her. I want to be able to be independent of you. That´s the way I want it. While he was talking this shit to me I started to think of one thing. I conveyed it to him, This sounds like your stepfather talking. With a great deal of confidence, Mitch replied, That´s the way it is. "Mutherfucker", I thought. OK, I'll lay it on him.
I told him this, First of all, six months ago, you didn´t know anything about the business. I taught you everything that you know within a short period of time as a teacher. I took you all over showing you all the ropes. I gave you all the direct phone numbers to the A&R reps. Secondly, I found Judy and you found Lee. Judy is my vocalist that I spent a great deal of time, effort, and money to find. I gave you her number because you wanted to be my partner. I let you talk with her. Thirdly, What do you think it´s easy to do an album. You haven´t even written a song. You didn´t even know how to work the music program on your computer. You don´t even know music theory. Finally, I gave you almost half of everything. I laid it all down on your lap. I never asked you to get involved. It was something you wanted to do. I let you use my credit card and I never asked for the money in return or anything else. I did it through my heart. You´re the one who wanted to help me out financially. I never asked you. Is this the result of the treatment I get for giving and teaching you all this.?
Mitch completely ignored everything I said. He was going to be a wheeler and dealer in business. He told me to think about it and what he had just said. I asked this stupid naive mutherfucker to give me 24 hours. I told him that I´ll think about what he said and that I will arrive at his work to give him my response. I told him that I didn´t want us to break-up, and that I will seriously respond with some sort of an agreement. I told him that I was asking him for 24 hours. Don´t call the A&R people, and don´t call Judy for 24hrs. I asked him like a beggar, Could you do that for me. Can you at least give me that. He said, That is OK. I told him, Thank you. I told Mitch that I needed to work on the computer. He told me to go ahead. I loaded the contract into the Word Perfect program and changed the title page of the contract to read, Crash-Kick Records. I deleted the paragraph that Judy talked about, and I added a line which guaranteed a release with two years. I printed them out, and then I told Mitch that I would see him tomorrow night. He said, OK.
I´ll fix this mutherfucker´s ass. The next day, I went to downtown Brooklyn and filled out the papers for a new company, Crash-Kick Records and Chazz Entertainment LTD. Stardrum Productions and Records was now history. I then went to a copy place and made two perfect copy of the new contract. Armed with everything, I called Judy and told her that I was bringing the contracts tonight. We made an appointment for 8PM. I was very nervous when I arrived at Judy´s apartment. I hope that she would not notice a different label and production name at the beginning of the contract. I needed to keep her distracted. I walked in her apartment and I showed her the new contract. Judy asked me where Mitch was. I told her that he would call her tomorrow because he was working. Judy had the old contract sitting on her bed. I showed Judy that I had deleted the paragraph that she had talked about. I also let her read the statement of a release guarantee. She read it and thought that it was fine. I then asked her to sign it, and I will put every effort to make her a success in the business. She asked me if I had a pen. I did, but I wanted to get her away from the bed. I told her that I had stupidly forgot my pen. She smiled and went to the other room for a pen. I quickly grabbed the old contract and put it in my case. She returned with a pen and she did not notice the old contract was not there. She picked-up the contract and hesitated.
I told her with true sincerity, Judy, I spent a great deal of money up until now on recording you. I believe that you could make it through my efforts. You had nothing going for you before I met you. Now you are recording making records. I gave you great points in the contract. Better than any new artist joining a label. I am going to record you further, and I will spend a lot more money. Furthermore, I will act as your manager for nothing until I find a management company to handle you. I will guide you in every way possible. I will make sure that no one rips you off. By singing this agreement, I will not only be your Record Company , but your friend. You trust me and I´ll trust you. You sign to me the power and I´ll put the power behind your talent. I'll make all my efforts work for you, but you must trust what I say and most of all listen to my advise and direction. Judy then signed both copies of the contract I gave her. Then I signed both copies of the contract. I told her that this contract is for you and one for me. We then shook hands, and I told her to get ready to go back into the studio. I then left.
I was so happy that this was finally over with. I took the train downtown to the Village. I felt that I had two bars of gold in my suitcase. I was protecting my suitcase. What I had told Judy was the truth. I arrived in the West Village and made backup copies of the contract. Then I went to Mitch´s building. I was so nervous and exhausted from all the running around I did all day. I arrived at Mitch´s building. He buzzed me in.
He was sitting at the computers and I sat next to him. I asked him how he was
doing, he told me that everything was fine. He then asked me how my day was. I told
him that I had a very busy day. He asked what I did. I told him to give me a moment
and I´ll show him. Mitch then asked what my reply was to last night talk. I
bent over and picked-up my briefcase and started to unlock it. I opened the briefcase
and took out the papers for my new label and production company and held it up to him
and said, I opened a new company today. I dangled the papers. I then put the papers
back into my briefcase and took out my copy of the papers I signed with him. I held
up the Stardrum Company papers and ripped it up. I said, Stardrum Records and
Production is over... history. Mitch stood silently and watched with no expression. I
then took out of my briefcase a copy of Judy´s new contract and slapped it on
the console table and said, I had just signed Judy to my new Record Company. As of
right now you are fired. I don´t want you to talk with Judy ever again. She is
now my vocalist. She belongs to me. Our relationship and partnership is now
officially over. You go do your own album with your own singers. It´s very
easy. You should be able to write songs in two weeks. I then returned everything in
my suitcase and after I closed it I spin the locking numbers. Mitch still
didn´t say a word nor did he show any expression. I stood up and told him, You
could thank your stepfather for this. I then walked out. Now that Mitch is out of
this production, I renamed the group to Neo Jam and that's the way it will be.
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